Pop videos have a more repetitive structure such as repeating certain scenes in the chorus or throughout the whole song. Becoming familiar with a certain genre (intertextuality) might mean that we pick up on features that the videos have in common. Music videos always come with an ending or a form of closure to build climax for the viewer.
Some videos however have a different visualisation to the lyrics, it may be just a exploring a deeper meaning or what the artist wants to audience to feel. Or it could be to portray a certain atmosphere such as the genre Dubstep - usually the videos are for visual pleasure.
Three types of relations between songs & videos:
Illustration: telling the story of the lyrics
Irreplaceable - Beyonce is a very good example of illustrating the relationship between her and the man. E.g. At the beginning of the song the lyrics are 'to the left to the left'. The lyrics correspond and tell the story of what is happening in the video, which allows the audience to react a certain way to it.
Amplification: Video introduces new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning.
You & Me - Disclosure uses the story of a part of a couple's life to amplify the lyrics. This basically gives us an insight on them at a particular time through their performance. It shows the same two characters in different environments which can allow us to see changes throughout the video, this way the audience can relate.
Disjuncture: Little connection between lyric and video or video contradicts the lyrics.

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