Tuesday 26 November 2013

Update: Reshoot!

We reshot in Southbank, by a grassy area on Thursday afternoon, it was already dark as we got there at around 4:30, so the sun was setting and we didn't have much time to film in daylight. However we had our trusty Dedo lights to back us up during the night, even though they only have 15 minutes battery life! We got better lighted footage to complete our 2nd location. I think the second time round we knew what we had to do to make the footage effective. It was extremely cold by that time but I had to firm it to make it a believable performance.

Friday morning we went out to film the 3rd location again, as the only proper daytime footage we had was at Point hill, as wasn't enough for a whole music video to be made out of. In stead of going onto the bridge where we formerly filmed during the night, we decided to walk up Southbank and filmed on a pier, which overlooked the Thames and looked effective. We liked this location but there was a huge amount of wind blowing, and again, I was freezing!

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