Tuesday 19 November 2013

Rough Cut Review

Our final deadline for our rough cut was today!!! After all our hard work and effort and sweat and blood and tears we put into shooting this music video we finally have it done!
J - Rough cut is a bit shoddy, hopefully after we go back out to reshoot we have a lot more shots that we can use. NOTE we need a lot more close ups and shots that are light. we also need to make sure that we use the dedo lights for all of the shots as it geyts dark pretty early.


Yeah... Unfortunately for us, the clips we filmed in Southbank on both locations (2 & 3) were epically ruined by the lack of sunlight. So once again we're on the hunt to try and get some decent footage to put in our actual music video. 

However, we did try and put all the good clips we had together to make a really really rough rough cut, and I must say it turned out better than expected. It obviously could've been way better if we realised that the footage was going to come out so dark. But we prospered. I enjoyed watching it, as we conformed to rules when it came to basetrack editing(editing to the beat).

Now... For that reshooting...

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