Tuesday 14 January 2014

Music Genre Conventions

Pop Music Conventions:


Bright Colours
Pop videos usually have bright and vibrant colours associated with it. Often having brightly colour lipstick and stylish outfits.

Artist are often happy and upbeat in their videos often showing brighter ideals rather than showing depressing ideas.

Most of the time pop videos are about love or having confidence in ones self as the main target audience is teenagers and theses ideas are usually associated.

A Pop music video can be identified by the costume and location.

Pop videos usually have catchy lines that the stays with the audience through and after the video has ended keeping the song beat and lyrics in their head.

Costumes in pop videos are usually revealing and show alot of skin. The outfits that are worn are 90% of the time to bold to be worn in public, or are the newest style of clothing.

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